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Gaithersburg, MD Divorce Lawyers

Making the decision to divorce can feel like a huge turning point in your life. Divorce marks the start of new legal challenges, questions, and fears, but divorce also brings with it new opportunities to make a fresh start and live your life the way you’ve envisioned. When you have the help of dedicated Gaithersburg divorce lawyers, you have a stronger chance of achieving your goals and experiencing an overall less stressful and more fulfilling divorce process.

At Z Family Law, we work with you closely one-on-one to create personalized divorce strategies that address your needs. We realize that no two divorces are the same, so why would we approach your divorce the same as we would any other client? When you work with us, you can count on tailored, compassionate, detail-oriented service.

Be confident and empowered in your choices with the help of Z Family Law. Reach out today to schedule a free confidential case evaluation and learn more about how we can help you make a worthwhile investment in your future!

Beyond Just Legal Guidance

By working with Z Family Law, you do not simply have legal representation, but also a partner throughout your journey. We strategize for the settlement you deserve, protect you from predatory legal practices, advocate fiercely for your needs in court, and offer essential post-legal services that allow you to get your life on the desired track. Our Client Concierge service connects you with local vendors who we have already vetted, so if you need guidance on issues like home maintenance, financial assistance, pet care, living arrangements, and more, we can help.

A Brief Introduction To Maryland Divorce

Maryland is a no-fault divorce state. You do not have to prove that your spouse has committed a fault in your marriage that would warrant divorce in order to procure one. Procedurally, however, you must submit an “explanation” for your divorce. The legally valid grounds for divorce include:

  • Irreconcilable differences: In some marriages, spouses simply find themselves in a position where they can no longer agree on what is essential to their marriage. In that case, they might cite this reason for divorce, which does not direct fault at either spouse, but rather the differences that have grown between them.

  • 6-month separation: When you and your spouse have been separated for six months or more, you have legal grounds for divorce. For legal purposes, being separated does not necessarily mean living in separate quarters. You can still divorce on these grounds even if you still share a home.

  • Mutual consent: If you want to dissolve your marriage, you and your spouse can submit in writing that you mutually agree to do so, along with your mutual agreement for how you will split aspects like child custody and assets.

Keep in mind that you still have the option to allege fault if you have been wronged in your marriage. For issues like abuse, abandonment, adultery, and addiction, you may be able to ask the court for a settlement that would be more advantageous for you. Our Gaithersburg divorce lawyers can help you gather evidence and make the necessary arguments to support your case. 

Issues in Divorce We Can Help You Resolve

Z Family Law can help guide you through a variety of concerns related to your divorce. Some of the common issues we can help you address include, but are not limited to:

  • Spousal Support: Also known as alimony, spousal support is sometimes awarded to spouses based on their financial need, their earning potential, their role in the marriage, and the length of the marriage. When alimony is awarded, it is often on a temporary basis until the dependent spouse is able to reach an acceptable standard of living. 

    If you are concerned about your financial independence after divorce–particularly if you have foregone career growth in favor of raising kids or supporting your household–we can help you make your case for why you should receive spousal support. If you fear paying more alimony than you believe you should, we will work to protect your assets and promote a resolution that suits your needs!

  • Property Division and Division of Assets: Maryland is an equitable distribution state, meaning that marital property is distributed based on what the courts consider to be “fair” rather than what is strictly equal. Marital property is, with some exceptions, property that was acquired during the marriage, including money, cars, and the family home. Because this is one of the most consequential parts of divorce, it may also be one of the most disputed. Our Gaithersburg divorce lawyers can guide you to a resolution, protecting your interests and financial security every step of the way!

  • Custody: The issue of child custody can be contentious when getting divorced. Courts divide custody based on what they believe to be in the best interest of the child, working to ensure they will ideally maintain a relationship with both parents and have stability following the divorce. In some situations, parents work outside of court to come together on an agreement; whether you are able to do this or you need to go to court, Z Family Law will make sure your voice is heard.

  • Mediation and Negotiation: If you want a less stressful legal process, mediation and negotiation are two tools you can use for a quicker, less expensive, more cordial divorce. When mediation and negotiation are successful, you can have an uncontested divorce and stay out of court! Our attorneys can act as a third party mediator, or represent you in mediation proceedings with another third party mediator so you stay informed of your rights throughout your sessions. However, if mediation does not work, we are skilled negotiators and skilled litigators who can advocate for your interests. 

Call Our Gaithersburg Divorce Lawyers Today

When you work with Z Family Law, you can turn your divorce into an opportunity. We can help you with strategies that fit your goals for divorce and set you on the right path to the next best chapter of your life. Reach out today to schedule a free confidential case evaluation and learn more about the compassionate legal guidance we can offer.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to go to court in order to get divorced?

No. If your divorce is uncontested, meaning you and your spouse are in alignment on the terms of your divorce, you can settle out of court without the involvement of a judge (though you will still have to briefly appear in court for a short hearing to finalize your settlement and obtain a judgment of absolute divorce). However, we highly recommend every divorcing couple review their marital settlement agreement with a family law attorney before signing it, just to make sure you know what you are agreeing to! 

How can I prove fault in my divorce?

If you want to allege some fault that led to the breakdown of your marriage such as adultery, abandonment, abuse, mental health issues, or substance addiction, you should do all you can to document the incident(s) including saving any kind of relevant communications such as texts or emails. Speak with our lawyers about your options, and we will begin the process of making a case for your interests. 

Is Maryland a community property state? 

No, Maryland is an equitable distribution state, meaning that any property acquired during the marriage (marital property) will be divided equitably but necessarily equally in a divorce. 

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