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How to Get a Civil Protection Order in D.C.

By the numbers, domestic violence in D.C. is higher than the nationwide average, partially because of the District’s extremely diverse population. Although these statistics may be scary, help is available 24/7. One possible method for stopping abuse in D.C. is filing a Civil Protection Order (“CPO”) against an abuser. Colloquially known as a restraining order, a CPO is a court order that requires the respondent (the person the order is filed against) to stay away from, not contact, and not commit any offense against the petitioner (the person who filed the CPO). Filing a CPO may seem intimidating, but the process is fairly straightforward.  

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How to Get a Protective Order in Maryland

In Maryland, one way to help stop abuse and ensure your safety is seeking a Protective Order ("PO") through the court system, which requires that one person stay away from, and refrain from committing certain acts against the other. A PO can be a powerful tool to ensure your safety during a difficult situation, but to some, the process may seem complicated or intimidating. If you’re considering seeking a protective order in Maryland, or just want to know how, read on. 

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Love Shouldn’t Hurt: Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2022

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and because many abused persons suffer in silence as a result of fear, intimidation, or shame, domestic violence may seem like an isolated issue that affects only a small proportion of the population. The reality is that, in the U.S., an average of 20 people experience intimate partner physical violence every minute, equating to more than 10 million abuse victims annually. Learn more about what domestic violence looks like, how it impacts victims, and find resources here.

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