If you are worried about the stress of divorce, mediation offers you a more private, personalized alternative.
Key Takeaways:
When you are getting divorced, you might fear that you are facing a long, stressful, toxic process wherein, ultimately, the results will be out of your hands. If this is the case, you will be relieved to hear that there is a more relaxed, collaborative alternative to litigation that can make your experience and your relationship with your ex more peaceful!
The lawyers of Z Family Law can act as mediators in your divorce, or represent you in mediation proceedings. We strive to always act in the best interests of our clients, so for those who want an alternative to a messy divorce, we have compiled five reasons why mediation might be the best fit. Give our latest blog a read below to learn some of the major benefits of choosing mediation over litigation and discover some of the positive impact an experienced mediation representative can have on your divorce!
Disclaimer: This article is current as of February 2025 and all content is provided for informational purposes only. None of the information provided in this article, or elsewhere on this website, shall constitute or be construed as legal advice. For information specific to your individual circumstances, call us at (301) 781-7930 today.
What Is Mediation?
When you are getting divorced, you have the option of choosing mediation over going to court. Mediation consists of one or several sessions in which you and your spouse mutually devise a plan to resolve the issues pertaining to your divorce, such as asset division and child custody. When you choose mediation over litigation, you work with a mediating attorney who gives legal guidance but does not seek to represent either you or your spouse. You can also hire an attorney to attend mediation with you and represent your interests.
Benefit 1 - Mediation Is Less Stressful
When you choose mediation, you are choosing to be more open and collaborative rather than fighting a battle with your spouse. When you have the decisions in your hands and the ability to negotiate and to talk it out between the two of you, you save yourself the stress of courtroom hearings, presenting your case, gathering evidence, and going back and forth through the legal process while hoping for an outcome that may or may not be acceptable to you.
Mediation offers a more private alternative that puts you in the driver’s seat. Rather than involve a procession of people who are evaluating the circumstances you present to the court, your divorce can be worked out directly between the two of you, just as you have mutually made plans for every other aspect of your marriage.
Benefit 2 - Mediation Saves You Time And Money
When your divorce turns into a courtroom battle, you will be devoting a significant portion of your time and finances toward fighting it. Litigation can take months, or even a year or more, depending on the issues that need to be decided and the level of willingness between the couple to cooperate. When a divorce involves minor children, the amount of time and energy spent on the courtroom process can increase exponentially.
Litigation can be an especially expensive process not only because of the time in the courtroom, but because of the time your lawyer dedicates to working on your case behind the scenes. When you are fighting for the settlement you desire in court, you must be ready to make an investment.
Mediation, on the other hand, gives you the potential to solve these same issues in as little time as one session and at a fraction of the cost! Since mediation uses fewer resources and you do not necessarily have to pay to retain an attorney to represent you, you can have a quicker, more cost-effective experience that still fulfills your needs.
Benefit 3 - Mediation Preserves Your Privacy
If one of the aspects that makes you uncomfortable with litigation is the exposure of your personal life in court and having your marriage evaluated by strangers, mediation offers you a more private–and less judgemental–alternative. Since you do not have to fight it out in court when you divorce through mediation, your private affairs will stay between you, your spouse, and the professional who acts as your mediator.
Even though you likely have nothing to hide with your divorce, the prospect of exposing your life to strangers in order to be judged, and filing documents that become public record, is uncomfortable for most people. With mediation, you can ensure your confidentiality.
Benefit 4 - Mediation Offers Control And Flexibility
You and your spouse are the people who best know your needs, so why should you have so little say over the final outcome of your divorce settlement? When you choose mediation over litigation, you can create plans that are more flexible or creative than what would be prescribed by the judge.
Whereas divorce settlements from the court typically follow a set precedent, mediation offers you the opportunity to make plans that are tailored specifically for you and your family, and you get to keep the power in your hands to make the decisions that are best suited for the lifestyle you want to live going forward. You can also address hyper specific details that might be glossed over by the court but make a huge difference to how you envision your future!
Benefit 5 - Mediation Keeps The Peace
When you choose mediation over a courtroom battle, you have a better chance of preserving your relationship with your spouse, which can be especially helpful if you will share custody of children going forward. By trying to preserve a functional relationship with your ex, you can stay civil in the future either for the sake of the kids or for the sake of the memories you have created together. Ultimately, cutting the toxicity out of divorce will help you feel better and less stressed at the end of the day, and lead to healthier, happier outcomes as you continue to move forward on your life’s path.
Z Family Law Offers Exemplary Mediation Services
Whether you are looking for a divorce involving mediation or litigation, Z Family Law can help you meet the goals you have set for your divorce. We always offer compassionate representation tailored to your needs. We get to know you so we can always represent your best interests, whether that means arming you with the legal knowledge to make your mediation a success or advocating for you in the courtroom. Reach out to schedule a free confidential case evaluation and learn more about how we can help you have the divorce experience you deserve.